
Welcome to Wellspring

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Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED
From Our Gallery

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED


826 Home Street, Bronx, New York



World Digital Detox day / WDDD EVENT TIPS

Define Your Goals:

Start by clearly defining the objectives of your digital detox event.Is it to raise awareness, promote mindfulness,or provide practical tools for participants?

Workshops and Activities:


Plan engaging workshops, meditation sessions, yoga classes, and outdoor activities to keep participants occupied.



Create a detailed budget that includes venue costs, speaker fees, promotional materials, and any other expenses. Explore sponsorship opportunities to offset costs.

Registration Process:


Set up an easy-to-use online registration system that collects participant information, dietary preferences (if applicable), and any special requests.

Materials and Resources:


Prepare materials, handouts, and resources that participants can take home to continue their digital detox journey after the event.

Target Audience:


Identify your target audience and tailor your event to their needs and interests. Consider age groups, demographics, and digital habits.

Offline Promotion:


Use offline marketing channels like flyers, posters, and word-of-mouth to reach a wider audience.

Online Promotion:


Ironically, use social media platforms to promote your event by sharing thought-provoking content about digital detox.

Screen Time Tracking:


Encourage participants to track their screen time leading up to and during the event to increase self-awareness.

Digital-Free Zones:


Clearly mark and enforce areas within the venue as tech-free zones to create an immersive experience.

Communication Plan:


Keep participants informed before, during, and after the event. Send reminders, directions, and post-event follow-ups to maintain engagement.

Contingency Plans:


Prepare for unforeseen circumstances like bad weather (if outdoors), technical glitches, or emergencies by having backup plans in place.

Tech Collection Point:


Provide a secure place for participants to deposit their digital devices during the event. Ensure their belongings are safely stored.

Community Building:


Create opportunities for participants to connect and build a supportive community. Icebreakers, group activities, and shared meals can help foster connections

Select the Right Venue:


Choose a venue that aligns with the digital detox theme, whether it’s a serene nature retreat, a rustic campsite, or an urban space with limited connectivity.

Evaluation and Reporting:


After the event, assess its success by analyzing data, feedback, and participant testimonials. Share the event’s impact through reports or social media.

Secure Speakers and Facilitators:


Invite reputable experts, therapists, and speakers who can provide valuable insights and guidance on digital detox and mindfulness.



Consider the environmental impact of your event by minimizing waste, using eco-friendly materials, and promoting sustainable practices.

Event Schedule:


Develop a well-structured schedule with a balance of workshops, talks, group activities, and downtime for reflection.

Promotion and Marketing:


Create a marketing plan that includes both online and offline strategies. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and press releases, and partner with local organizations.

Conduct group discussions:


Conduct group discussions on the importance of maintaining a balance between digital engagement and fostering genuine human relationships, encouraging guests to share their experiences and insights on navigating the digital world while prioritizing real-life connections.

Offer nature-inspired therapies:


Offer nature-inspired therapies that encourage guests to reconnect with the natural world and appreciate the beauty of the environment around them, fostering a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things.

Collaborate with local artisanal :


Collaborate with local artisanal businesses to host interactive workshops that promote the art of crafting and encourage in-person participation, providing a platform for guests to engage in hands-on activities and connect with local artisans and community members.

Host specialised workshops:


Host specialized workshops on the significance of personal connections and offer therapies that focus on improving social and emotional well-being, guiding participants to recognize the value of meaningful relationships in their lives.

Offer special mindfulness sessions :


Offer special mindfulness sessions that incorporate elements of aromatherapy, encouraging guests to connect with their senses and emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection and promoting emotional well-being.

Host storytelling evenings :


Host storytelling evenings where guests can share personal anecdotes and experiences, fostering empathy and understanding within the community and creating a space for authentic and meaningful communication.

 Handwritten letter-writing session:


Create designated areas within the spa for handwritten letter-writing sessions, encouraging guests to reconnect on a personal level and foster genuine emotional connections through the art of letter writing.

Provide complimentary relaxation treatments:


Provide complimentary relaxation treatments for guests who participate in the letter-writing activity, promoting a holistic approach to well-being and emphasizing the importance of emotional expression and connection.

Introduce collaborative art projects:


Introduce collaborative art projects that foster a sense of community and encourage guests to express their emotions creatively, emphasizing the therapeutic nature of art in building interpersonal bonds.

Organize candlelight meditation sessions:


Organize candlelight meditation sessions that emphasize the power of human connection and its role in reducing stress and anxiety, guiding participants to cultivate a deeper awareness of their connection to others and the world around them.

Initiate a spa-wide challenge :


Initiate a spa-wide challenge that encourages guests to practice random acts of kindness, spreading positivity and compassion within the community, and fostering a culture of empathy and goodwill among guests and staff alike.

Introduce technology-free dining experiences:


Introduce technology-free dining experiences that encourage guests to engage in meaningful conversations over a thoughtfully curated meal, fostering a deeper sense of connection and communication through shared dining experiences.

Curate digital detox packages:


Curate digital detox packages that include journaling exercises and gratitude practices to promote introspection and meaningful connection, encouraging guests to reflect on their relationships and express gratitude for the connections they have.

Host live music events:


Host live music events or performances that bring people together in celebration of art and creativity, highlighting the power of shared experiences and the emotional connections forged through music and artistic expression.

Organize vision board workshops:


Organize vision board workshops that encourage guests to set personal goals and aspirations, fostering a sense of purpose and direction in their lives through the visualization of their dreams and ambitions.ession.

Host educational seminars :


Host educational seminars on the impact of technology on interpersonal relationships and provide strategies for maintaining a healthy balance between digital and personal interactions, equipping guests with the knowledge and tools to navigate the digital world while prioritizing meaningful connections.

Partner with local charities :


Partner with local charities to organize volunteer opportunities, encouraging guests to give back to the community and make meaningful contributions to society, fostering a sense of social responsibility and compassion for others.

Collaborate with mental health professionals :


Collaborate with mental health professionals to offer counseling sessions focused on strengthening interpersonal connections and nurturing healthy relationships, providing guests with the necessary support and guidance to build and maintain meaningful and fulfilling connections in their lives.

Create a community garden :


Create a community garden where guests can participate in planting and nurturing organic produce, promoting a sense of collective responsibility and environmental consciousness, and fostering a deeper connection with nature and the community.

Arrange wellness retreats :


Arrange wellness retreats that focus on building personal connections and offer activities such as group yoga, communal cooking classes, and team-building exercises, providing opportunities for guests to engage in shared experiences and strengthen interpersonal bonds.

Offer holistic wellness workshops :


Offer holistic wellness workshops that emphasize the importance of cultivating positive relationships and building a strong support network, providing guests with tools and strategies to foster healthy and fulfilling connections in their lives.

Develop personalised wellness plans for guests :


Develop personalised wellness plans for guests, incorporating elements of social engagement and community involvement to foster a sense of belonging and promote a supportive environment for personal growth and well-being.

Create a technology-free relaxation area :


Create a technology-free relaxation area equipped with board games, puzzles, and books, promoting shared experiences and interpersonal bonding through offline activities that encourage social interaction and engagement.

workshops on the significance of personal connections :


Host specialised workshops on the significance of personal connections and offer therapies that focus on improving social and emotional well-being, guiding participants to recognize the value of meaningful relationships in their lives.

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