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10th December Countdown

The world's largest digital well-being movement has 7.5 million followers and is entirely offline.

Reduce Technology Use
Restore Balance Life

Increase Personal Connections

Enhance your Well-Being

Sixty Five Countries' United Initiative with Government Backing

World Digital Detox Day (WDDD) garners global support from 65 countries, backed by government endorsements. This unified front aligns with the United Nations' sustainable development goals, magnifying WDDD's mission to promote a mindful digital lifestyle worldwide.

Offline Is New Luxury

#WDDD ``Offline Is The New Luxury`` is a powerful slogan that speaks to the minority who truly understand the significance of disconnecting from the digital world in today's hyper-connected age. It reflects a growing awareness of the importance of embracing offline moments and the simplicity they bring. In a world where rarity often defines luxury, going offline has become one of the rarest and most precious experiences of all. It encourages us to savor and appreciate the moments when we put our devices aside, rekindle human connections, and rediscover the beauty in life's simplest pleasures. This slogan is a reminder that true wealth isn't measured by the number of notifications received but by the richness of moments lived offline.







Embracing Balance: World Digital Detox Day Led by 4 Symbols.

Namaste Symbol

Namaste was picked as WDDD’s symbol because it is a powerful Indian greeting and ritual that means “buy-buy.”

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Turn off: This part of the message suggests the importance of disconnecting or powering down digital devices.

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The WDDD Emoji was launched in 2021 as a symbol to declare your digital detox and disconnection.

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WDDD Eight Manifestos: 

The 8 WDDD Manifestos offer simple steps to enhance your digital detox journey.

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Real Stories: Overcoming Digital Addiction Together.


World Digital Detox Day (WDDD) is closely aligned with various United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing the crucial role it plays in contributing to a sustainable and healthier future for all:

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: WDDD promotes mental and physical well-being by encouraging people to take breaks from their digital devices. It highlights the importance of managing screen time for improved health and reduced stress.

Goal 4: Quality Education: WDDD educates individuals and communities about balanced technology use. It encourages digital literacy and responsible technology consumption, ensuring that people have the skills to make informed choices about their digital habits.


The nonprofit Global Wellness Institute (GWI) supports a wide range of important industry initiatives that further the growth of the various sectors of the wellness economy.

Enhancing the personal healing experience.

A Whole New Way to Take Your Vitamins.

Smoothie Recipes Loaded with Winter Superfoods.

Healthy Desserts Shockingly High in Protein.

Train Yourself to Exercise in the Morning in Just One Week.

A natural way of improving your health.


Depression ranks among the top three workplace problems for employee assistance professionals, following only family crisis and stress.

3% of total short-term disability days are due to depressive disorders and in 76% of those cases, the employee was female. http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/conditions/depression-workplace

Mental health included in the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.

The Mental Wellness Initiative (MWI) of the Global Wellness Institute was established in November 2016

The Mental Wellness Initiative of the Global Wellness Institute aims to understand those pathways that help people stay well and thrive mentally as well as physically.


The Adoption of Telemedicine on The Rise

It Is Time to Talk About Mental Health

Employers Prioritize Digital Wellness to Increase Health and Engagement

Train Yourself to Exercise in the Morning in Just One Week.

Technology is Enabling us to Prioritize Our Environment


What WDDD Offers For Digital Device & Social Media Addiction

World Digital Detox Day (WDDD) understands the pervasive nature of digital device and social media addiction in our modern age. Here’s what we offer to those grappling with this modern challenge:

Striking the right balance with technology is key, and our mission is to facilitate a holistic and well-rounded approach to digital consumption.

Why Digital Detox is Essential in Our Digital Age

Fostering Digital Wellness Beyond WDDD

World Digital Detox Day (WDDD) has gained global recognition for its mission, aligning with the emerging field of Digital Wellness recognized by the UN and the Global Wellness Institute (GWI). This initiative unites wellness leaders and telecom communities to address the impact of digital consumption on well-being, emphasizing healthy technology guidelines and mindfulness. Through the WDDD Podcast, Events, Oath, and monthly webinars, WDDD fosters a culture of mindful digital engagement throughout the year. This ongoing effort empowers individuals to lead a balanced life, transcending the boundaries of a single-day celebration, and nurturing a community that values holistic health in the digital age


Engage in insightful discussions by world leaders on digital wellness and gain valuable strategies for mindful tech usage.


Participate in engaging and informative events that bring together wellness experts and the telecommunications community to address digital well-being.

WDDD Unique Exercises

Commit to a balanced digital lifestyle through the WDDD Oath and participate in curated exercises tailored to promote mindful technology use.


WDDD brings experts from all over the world to our monthly webinar platform, sharing their knowledge about digital detox. We welcome anyone to join us and listen to these experts.

Global Ambassadors

Become a Noble Cause Ambassador

AMBASSADOR: Be a guiding light, igniting passion in hearts and minds as you champion our noble mission, casting ripples of awareness that ripple far and wide, touching lives with transformational impact.

Embrace this noble cause and become a powerful Ambassador, an influential Influencer, a dedicated Volunteer, or a valued Sponsorship Partner.

Engage in the global conversation on World Digital Detox Day to redefine our relationship with technology, fostering authentic human connections. Answer the rallying call and stand as a formidable Ambassador, championing a world where personal interactions reign supreme. Whether through influencing the discourse or actively volunteering, be the driving force in reshaping our digital landscape. Embrace this noble cause and consider partnering as a valued Sponsor, contributing to a future where mindful tech use enhances our lives.

Submit Support


Mind Balance Exercise


Mind Balance Exercise offered by World Digital Detox Day Non-Profit Organization

At World Digital Detox Day (WDDD) a non-profit organization, our goal is to enhance mental well-being amidst the digital era. As part of our holistic approach, we provide the Mind Balance Exercise, a specialized program designed to alleviate stress and promote mental clarity in response to digital overload.

What is the Mind Balance Exercise?

The Mind Balance Exercise combines mindfulness techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy principles to help individuals restore equilibrium in their lives. It offers structured practices to manage digital stressors and cultivate resilience.

Key Features of the Mind Balance Exercise:

  1. Breath Awareness: Participants learn to use their breath as a grounding tool, fostering calmness and focus amid digital distractions.
  2. Body Scan: Guided body scans aid in releasing physical tension, promoting relaxation, and restoring bodily awareness.
  3. Thought Observation: Through observing thoughts without judgment, participants develop self-awareness and detachment from digital-related stressors.
  4. Intention Setting: The exercise concludes with setting positive intentions for digital well-being, empowering individuals to make mindful choices.

Benefits of the Mind Balance Exercise:

  • Stress Reduction: By fostering mindfulness and relaxation, the exercise helps alleviate digital-related stress and anxiety.
  • Enhanced Focus: Regular practice improves concentration and cognitive function, aiding in managing digital distractions effectively.
  • Emotional Regulation: Participants develop resilience to digital stressors, promoting emotional well-being and reducing mental health impacts.
  • Improved Well-being: The Mind Balance Exercise fosters overall well-being by nurturing inner peace and harmony amidst digital chaos.

How to Participate:

Joining the Mind Balance Exercise is simple. Access guided sessions, webinars, or podcasts hosted by WDDD Non-Profit Organization. Alternatively, reach out for personalized guidance and support on your digital well-being journey.

Join Us at WDDD Non-Profit Organization:

Explore the transformative power of the Mind Balance Exercise with WDDD Non-Profit Organization. Take charge of your digital life and prioritize mental health amidst the digital age’s challenges.

Sound Therpay Meditation


Unlock Digital Wellness with World Digital Detox Day Foundation’s Expert Guidance

Discover how World Digital Detox Day Foundation’s Digital Wellness Experts can help you achieve balance and mindfulness in a digital world. Explore personalized consultations, guided meditation sessions, and educational workshops tailored for your digital well-being.

Services Offered by Our Digital Wellness Experts:

  1. Personalized Consultations: Get tailored plans for digital wellness through personalized consultations with our experts.
  2. Educational Workshops: Join engaging workshops on digital detox, mindfulness practices, and effective screen time management.
  3. Guided Meditation Sessions: Experience relaxation and mindfulness with expert-led meditation sessions designed to combat digital fatigue.
  4. Online Resources: Access curated articles, videos, and tools to support your digital wellness journey.
  5. Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals and receive ongoing support from our experts.

Why Choose World Digital Detox Day Foundation:

  1. Expertise: Our Digital Wellness Experts are highly trained professionals with extensive experience in digital detoxification and mindfulness.
  2. Holistic Approach: We address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your relationship with technology for comprehensive digital wellness.
  3. Evidence-Based Practices: Benefit from evidence-based strategies and research-backed recommendations for effective digital balance.
  4. Commitment to Your Well-being: Your well-being is our priority. Our experts are dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to thrive in the digital age.

Unlock a healthier, more mindful relationship with technology with World Digital Detox Day Foundation’s expert guidance. Join us on your journey towards digital wellness today.

Digital Wellness Experts: Your Guide to Balance


Unlock Digital Wellness with World Digital Detox Day Foundation’s Expert Guidance

Discover how the World Digital Detox Day Foundation’s Digital Wellness Experts can help you achieve balance and mindfulness in a digital world. Explore personalized consultations, guided meditation sessions, and educational workshops tailored for your digital well-being.

Services Offered by Our Digital Wellness Experts:

1. Personalized Consultations:Get tailored plans for digital wellness through personalized consultations with our experts.
2. Educational Workshops:Join engaging workshops on digital detox, mindfulness practices, and effective screen time management.
3. Guided Meditation Sessions:Experience relaxation and mindfulness with expert-led meditation sessions designed to combat digital fatigue.
4. Online Resources:Access curated articles, videos, and tools to support your digital wellness journey.
5. Community Support:Connect with like-minded individuals and receive ongoing support from our experts.

Why Choose the World Digital Detox Day Foundation:

1. Expertise:Our Digital Wellness Experts are highly trained professionals with extensive experience in digital detoxification and mindfulness.
2. Holistic Approach: We address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your relationship with technology for comprehensive digital wellness.
3. Evidence-Based Practices:Benefit from evidence-based strategies and research-backed recommendations for effective digital balance.
4. Commitment to Your Well-Being: Your well-being is our priority. Our experts are dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to thrive in the digital age.

Unlock a healthier, more mindful relationship with technology with World Digital Detox Day Foundation’s expert guidance. Join us on your journey towards digital wellness today.

For more information or to schedule a session, please email us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you on your digital detox journey!

Unique Yoga Asana Designed for Digital Device Overuse-Induced Body Aches


Join Us for a Custom Yoga Asana Designed by WDDD Foundation for Digital Body Aches

At World Digital Detox Day (WDDD) NON Profit Foundation, we recognize the toll that excessive digital device usage can take on your body, leading to discomfort and pain. To address this, we’ve developed a unique yoga asana tailored specifically for individuals experiencing body aches induced by overuse of digital devices. Crafted by renowned physiotherapists from around the world, this specialized yoga sequence targets areas of tension and discomfort caused by prolonged screen time.

The Yoga Asana for Digital Body Aches:

Our custom-designed yoga asana focuses on relieving the strain and tension that accumulates in key areas of the body due to excessive use of mobile phones, computers, laptops, and other digital devices. By incorporating gentle stretches, twists, and postures, this sequence aims to alleviate discomfort in the neck, shoulders, wrists, and eyes, promoting relaxation and restoring balance to the body.

Benefits of the Yoga Asana by WDDD Foundation:

  • Expert Design: Our yoga asana has been meticulously crafted by leading physiotherapists, drawing upon their expertise to address the specific challenges posed by digital device overuse.
  • Tailored Approach: Unlike generic yoga routines, our asana is customized to target the unique needs of individuals struggling with digital body aches, providing personalized solutions for effective relief.
  • Holistic Wellness: In addition to alleviating physical discomfort, our practice promotes overall well-being and stress reduction by fostering mindfulness and relaxation, aligning perfectly with the principles of digital detoxification.

How to Practice:

  1. Find Your Space: Select a quiet and comfortable environment where you can practice without distractions.
  2. Prepare Your Mat: Lay out a yoga mat or towel to provide support for your practice.
  3. Follow the Sequence: Begin by following our guided sequence, moving mindfully through each posture and focusing on your breath.
  4. Adjust as Needed: Listen to your body and modify the poses as necessary to accommodate your individual comfort and flexibility levels.
  5. Consistent Practice: Aim to incorporate this yoga asana into your routine regularly to experience its full benefits over time.

Contact Us:

For more information on our custom-designed yoga asana for digital body aches or to access our guided practice session, please contact us at [email protected]. Our team at WDDD Foundation is dedicated to supporting you on your journey to digital well-being. Experience the difference of a specialized yoga practice designed by experts in the field and reclaim comfort and vitality in your digital life.

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